所在栏目:Section of Foreign Philosophy作者: 发布者:哲学学院发布时间:2024-07-17浏览次数:13

Basic Information

Name: Niu Yao

Born in Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province, Doctor of Philosophy, Lecturer


2007.09-2011.06: Law school, Huaqiao University, received Bachelor of laws degree.

2013.09-2016.06: School of philosophy, Wuhan University, major in foreign philosophy, received Master of philosophy degree.

2016.09-2020.08: School of philosophy, Wuhan University, major in foreign philosophy, received Doctor of philosophy degree.

◆Work experience

Lecturer in philosophy at the school of philosophy, Guizhou University since 2020.09.

◆Areas of academic interest

Analytic philosophy, metaphysics, the problem of free will.



1. “In Defense of contingent a priori proposition”, Philosophical review (Wuhan University): issue 21, 2018: 06.

2. “Radical Libertarianism and the Ground of Moral Responsibility: A Reply to Professor Su dechao”, Jiangxi Social Sciences, 2020:01.



◆Academic communications

1. “The Gemes Counter-example Cannot Refute Global Skepticism”, The 24th world congress of philosophy, 2018.08.

2. “Free Will and The Free-will Theodicy”, the Congress of West lake at Zhejiang University, 2018.12.

3. “The Frankfurt-style Cases and the Dilemma Argument”, The 11th doctoral forum of five universities, 2018.12.

4. “Moral responsibility, Epistemic condition and Actual-sequence”, The national congress of analytic philosophy,2018:12.

