发布时间: 2024-06-04 浏览次数: 181


报告题目Existence and stability of solitary waves for generalized abcd-Boussinesq system with a Hamiltonian structure 

报告人:孙曙明(Shu-Ming Sun)教授,国弗吉尼亚理工大学

报告时间202469日周日上午 9:00-10:30


报告摘要The talk concerns the solutions of the so-called abcd-Boussinesq system, which is a model of two equations that can describe the propagation of small-amplitude long waves in both directions in the water of finite depth. If the problem is Hamiltonian, where the parameters b and d in the system satisfy b = d > 0, small solutions of the system in the energy space are globally defined. Then, a variational approach is applied to establish the existence and nonlinear stability of the set of solitary-wave solutions for the generalized abcb-Boussinesq system. The main point of the analysis is to show that the traveling-wave solutions of the generalized abcb-Boussinesq system converge to nontrivial solitary-wave solutions of the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation. (This is a joint work with R. de A. Capistrano-Filho and J. R. Quintero)

专家简介:Shu-Ming Sun, 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学数学系教授,博导,主要研究方向是偏微分方程、动力系统和流体力学。1983年于复旦大学数学学院获学士学位,1990年于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校数学学院获博士学位,1990--1992年在该系先后做博士后和访问助理教授,1992年—2002年在美国弗吉尼亚理工大学数学系先后晋升为助理教授,副教授和教授。先后在德国斯图加特大学数学所,法国尼斯非线性研究所,美国斯坦福大学数学系,美国辛辛那提大学数学系,朝鲜大学数学系等做访问研究员或访问教授。主持美国国家科学基金项目多项,若干论文发表在Arch. Rational Math. Mech.》、《SIAM J. Math. Anal.》、《J. Diff. Equations》、《Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare. Analyse Non Lineaire》、《Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations》、《Comm. Partial Differential Equations 》、《Transaction of the American Mathematical Society 》、《SIAM J. Control and Opt. 》,《Physica D》,《Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst Ser. A等国际重要数学杂志上。近五年来在国际学术会议上给了10多个特邀报告。曾被邀请访问过许多国家的高校作报告并进行学术交流。

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