2013-06-20 | 浏览量:19
承办的贵州大学第151期文科讲坛(2013年第 21 期),英国EDGE Hill大学教师、哈佛大学东亚法律研究中心访问学者PAOLO FARAH博士,来我校作学术报告。
时 间:2013年6月21日上午9:30-11:30
地 点:法学院模拟法庭
主 持:宁立标教授
Paolo Farah, 法学博士,意大利米兰大学研究员,都灵大学当代中国高级研究中心研究员,中欧法学院访问教授,意大利博洛尼亚兼职教授,现就职于英国Edge Hill大学。曾在WTO组织法律部工作,并
法的书稿的评审专家,“国际法与全球化”丛书主编(Routledge出版社)以及“国际经济法、全球化与发展”丛书主编(Kluwer出版社),RESEARCH OF SOCIAL CHANGE杂志编委会成员以及多家杂志匿名评审专
• Farah, P.D. (2013, forthcoming), ‘China’s Influence on Non-Trade Concerns in International Economic Law’ – Climate Change, Sustainable Development and the Protection of
Environment, Social, Economic and Cultural Rights, Labour Rights, Public Health, Food and Product Safety, Consumer Protection, Ashgate Publishing.
• Farah, P.D. and Soprano, R. (2009), ‘Dumping e antidumping: una guida per le imprese di fronte alle sfide della globalizzazione’, Gruppo Ilsole24ore, November 2009, pp. XXIV-183.
• Farah, P.D. & Rossi P. (2011), ‘National Energy Policies and Energy Security in the Context of Climate Change and Global Environmental Risks: A Theoretical Framework for Reconciling
Domestic and International Law through a Multiscalar and Multilevel Approach’, European Energy and Environmental Law Review (EEELR, Volume 20, issue 6, pp. 232-244.
• Farah, P.D. & Cima, E. (2010), ‘The Implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) in China’, 2 Tsinghua China Law Review 2,
Spring 2010, pp. 317-351.
• Farah, P.D. (2006), ‘L’accession de la Chineà l’Organisation mondiale du commerce : les règles internationales et les barrières culturelles internes’, Lettre de l’Antenne franco-
chinoise, Janvier 2006, pp. 1–12. (in French)
• Farah, P.D. (2012), ‘The International Impact of Chinese Response to Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Issues’, Workshop series of the East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law
School, 27 February 2012.